iFLYTEK Smart Translator

iFLYTEK Translator is the first in the industry to propose four key standards for AI translation devices: "Clear listening, easy understanding, accurate translation, and good pronunciation." It provides users with precise and rapid translation services, achieving translation results comparable to the levels of the Chinese-English Translation Test (CATTI) 8 and instant translation in 0.5 seconds.

Company: iFLYTEK Co., Ltd.

It has received a satisfaction rate of over 98% in e-commerce and holds a market share of over 70% in the domestic market. The iFLYTEK Translator 4.0 International Version continues the tradition of precise and rapid translation and extensive language support. With a larger screen and a more intuitive "pick it up, speak, and translate" button-free interaction, it continues to lead the evolution of AI translation devices. Based on user usage, it proposes a new advocacy for a "natural" translation experience. When languages differ, just use the iFLYTEK Translator! The iFLYTEK Translator 4.0 International Version supports online voice translation for 60 languages, covering nearly 200 countries and regions worldwide. For complex network conditions overseas, it supports offline translation for 18 language pairs (5 for English to other languages and 13 for Chinese to other languages). Additionally, it supports online photo translation for 50 languages, with offline photo translation available for Chinese, English, and Japanese, meeting users' demands for obtaining foreign language text and information in their daily lives.


iFLYTEK Smart Recorder Pro


Lavazza Deséa