
BIOPRINTER utilizes a living ecosystem featuring fire moss to bring data to life. The data chosen for this project is centered around climate change, particularly focusing on projected changes in precipitation. This data is visualized on the surface of BIOPRINTER through what we call 'biopixels.' Each biopixel is coated with moss spores, and their growth is controlled by adjusting water and light levels in direct correlation with the data values. Over several weeks, this living canvas transforms into a multicolored surface map with varying textures, where different moss appearances represent distinct aspects of the rain data - from droughts to floods to standard climate conditions.

Name: Sigitas Gužauskas / Idente

At its essence, BIOPRINTER embodies an innovative approach to data visualization that transcends traditional charts and graphs, or images. It provides a distinct method for translating intricate data sets into compelling and accessible information experiences. It encourages a deliberate, thoughtful approach to information consumption, fostering a unique perspective on learning and comprehension.

One of BIOPRINTER's noteworthy innovations lies in its ability to transform any flat image, logo, diagram, or data visualization into a unique, visual, and sensory experience. Expert data visualizations can often be intricate and challenging for a general audience to interpret. BIOPRINTER addresses this issue by engaging multiple senses, including sight, touch, and smell, to create a visual narrative that allows viewers to interact with and understand data and information more intuitively.

One compelling prospect involves scaling up BIOPRINTER for large-scale applications, allowing us to imprint intricate designs and patterns using live plants on vast surfaces, such as stadiums and building walls. Additionally, we could explore the exciting frontier of printing with plants on three-dimensional objects, opening up a realm of artistic and ecological possibilities.


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